Monday, August 19, 2024

Lawsuit filed against OceanGate, the company involved in the submersible implosion on the way to the Titanic

You may recall that last year a controversial company named OceanGate was involved in an accident that resulted in the death of a number of people in a submersible on the way to visiting the remains of Titanic.  If not, google it, it was all over the news.  I say "controversial" because following the news of the disappearance of the submersible, and the long rescue attempt, news surfaced about the very questionable - to say the least - practices of the company, including reports that documented its reckless handling of safety issues.  (There was a 60 Minutes segment, among many others.  Some of those programs are available on YouTube.  See here and here for example.)

Given this uncovered safety - or lack thereof - history, it is not surprising that the family of a French citizen who died in the implosion has filed wrongful death lawsuit against OceanGate, which, also not surprisingly, has ceased operations.

You can read about the newly filed claim in The Guardian, Courthouse News Service, and NPR and The Hill.

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