Sunday, January 24, 2016

Comment on most recent version of a no-fault "patient compensation system" to eliminate medical malpractice lawsuits

Attempts to find ways to eliminate the rights of victims of medical malpractice are nothing new.  Over the years, many organizations have tried, sometimes successfully, to either eliminate the right to sue, or to make it more difficult to sue or to limit the amount available for compensation.  Most of the most radical proposals, however, have failed.  For many stories on this subject click on the "medical malpractice" label on the right side and scroll down.

But if you want the latest on the topic, go here, where you will find a comment of a new (in terms of timing, not in terms of ideas) attempt to eliminate the right to sue for medical malpractice.

This new proposal is based on something called a “Patient Compensation System” which would completely do away with judges and juries in medical malpractice cases and replace them with a new, centralized government agency made up of political appointees and government bureaucrats representing the medical and business establishments who would award compensation to injured patients based on predetermined schedules.

For more information you can read a new study prepared by the Center for Justice & Democracy which concludes that the proposal would “tilt the legal playing field dramatically in favor of the health care industry" and "ignore patients’ rights to adequate compensation."

For a comment and more information go here.

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